Temporary Posting Sprayer Operator
Temporary Posting Nature Park Operator extended until March 31, 2016
Temporary Posting Arborist 11 extended until March 31, 2016
Temporary Posting Assistant Greenskeeper
Permanent Backhoe Operator Posting
Permanent Labourer Posting
Memo for City of St. Catharines Vacation
Mild Winter gets City of St. Catharines ahead
Warm winter weather has meant the City has been out pruning instead of plowing.
The last few winters have been snowy and City staff from forestry, the cemetery and parks have assisted with snow removal. However, because this winter has been so mild the City has been able to get a head start on spring maintenance.
Dead or dying Ash trees have been removed from Garden City Golf Course, meaning less disruptions for golfers when the course opens for the season. Ash trees have also been removed ahead of schedule from the Victoria Lawn Cemetery and various City parks.
And, a good portion of the spring cleanup, including removal brush and shrubs from perimeter fences, top dressing the grounds and cleaning grave marking have been completed at the cemetery as well.