Recognition of Years of Service

35 years Mario Di Maria, Randy Smith and Ross Stretton.

30 years Eligio Constantini and Thomas York

25 years Daniel Adams, Gordon Donald, Bryan Riley, Kauko Ratilainen, Chris Pearson, and Peter Ksiazek.

15 years James Keast, Gary Watton,  Christopher Spiers, and Cecil Norton.

10 years Roy Savoy.

Congratulation on accomplishing the years of success and here’s to a great future.


Truck Rodeo

truck-rodeoTruck Rodeo Champs

Each fall, the City stages our annual Truck Rodeo at Seymour Hannah Complex over a two day period.  Staff who have DZ licenses compete in a series of challenges which test their driving skills to the max.  

On October 13th and 14th, 103 competitors took to the course navigating through five stations featuring various driving challenges and a circle check.  For those of us who can barely maneuver out of the downtown parking garage without a scratch on our vehicle, we take our hats off to these drivers who mastered the Rodeo while driving a tandem dump truck!!!

The Senior Management Team and Mayor Sendzik took the opportunity this morning to congratulate the top 5 finishers in the 2016 Truck Rodeo.  These finalists will now proceed to the 2017 Regional Rodeo, held in June in Welland.

Congratulations to Steve Stone, first place finisher for the third year in a row; second place finisher Brad Nelson, a close third Dan Scholman, fourth place Mike Scott and fifth place finisher Joe Coco.

Dan Carnegie and the Mayor both expressed their thanks to those staff drivers for their dedication towards safe driving. 

Keep on trucking guys!

Take Your Kids to Work

Take Our Kids to Work Day 2016

Our annual Take Our Kids to Work Day event is quickly approaching; taking place on Wednesday, November 2, 2016.

This event will help support the development of our youth and their career development with Grade 9’s attending work with their parent or sponsor. The experience will assist students in understanding the importance of staying in school, and help them gain an appreciation for making a living. It will also show them the link between education and their future.

This is just a reminder that all participants for this years event must register no later than Wednesday, October 26, 2016 by completing the attached permission form. Follow up details regarding the event schedule will follow to all those who have registered.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any question or concerns.

Thank you,
